
Shortest Path Traveller

The SHoRTeST website is available at: This is a basic application for providing the fastest route to see major attractions in a city. If you have limited time and want to optimise your travel through a city to see as...

Whereabouts London

Finding Similar Places in London with K-Means

Whereabouts London (a 2014 team project I was involved in at the Future Cities Catapults) focused on exploring how open data could be used to improve future cities. The boundaries within London have been split and merged over hundreds of years....

World Air Routes in Tableau

In exploring various data – I came across the World Airline Routes datasets, which I preprocessed for visualisation purposes. By using latitude and longitude locations one can produce vertices and graphs in Tableau which can easily be flipped through. The entire...

Mapping Broadband Speeds with Tableau

Sampled in May 2013, the website contains varying collections of public data. An interesting resource is the UK Broadband Coverage data which contains postcoded information on samples. Mapping the data in Tableau shows how patterns of bandwidth exist over the...